Project Title: Instructional Design Tools for Beginners
Tools used in Development: Canva, Adobe Stock
Time in Development: approximately 1 day
Client: N/A this is a concept job aid
Background and Problem
New instructional designers are often presented with a lot of information and resources, which can be overwhelming. They may find themselves unsure of where to focus their attention and what information should be prioritized. As a new instructional designer, I was in need of an at-a-glance resource listing relevant software and programs so I could quickly access information needed for performing the job. I created this job aid in Canva to compile some of the most commonly used tools for select instructional designer and e-learning developer job tasks.
This job aid started out as a list in my personal notebook used to keep track of the different tools. I knew that it wasn't feasible nor efficient for me to memorize these tools and I also knew that categorizing the tools and making the list into a job aid would be even more helpful. Using this job aid has allowed me to save time and create mental space for other things that I may need to focus on.
I received and implemented peer and coach feedback in the IDOL courses academy and was pleased to learn that some people learned about new resources from this job aid. In the future, I plan to update this job aid to include more job tasks (e.g. graphics) and to include tools that are more advanced.